Sorcerer King - my second, more refined dungeonsynth album
As soon as I was done with Arcane Ascendancy, I began work on the 10-track Sorcerer King. And the music has improved.
Cut to the chase
I released my second full-length album, “Sorcerer King.” It’s a 10-track dungeonsynth album that tells the tale (without words) of a sorcerer who rises to become king and oversees a terrible reign, reaching dizzying heights of power before eventually dying. Or whatever story it inspires in you!
You can listen to the album in a bunch of different places for free. Some platforms like Bandcamp will also allow you to purchase the album digitally if you would like to show your support:
Sorcerer King merch from the Thaumavore Shop:
Sorcerer King mug - 15oz (3 accent color choices)
Sorcerer King t-shirt (7 color choices)
Sorcerer King sticker (3 sizes)
What’s dungeonsynth and what was your first album?
I went into some detail about my interpretation of the musical subgenre called dungeonsynth in an article that debuted my first album, “Arcane Ascendancy.” You can read all that here.
But Dave, again, this album doesn’t sound like dungeonsynth to me?
Maybe you’re right. Or maybe you haven’t listened to enough dungeonsynth! If it really bothers you, let’s use a term coined by Quest Master (aka Lord Gordith) of Swords and Circuitry fame. He made that album before he even knew what “dungeonsynth” was and he called it “Fantasy Synthesizer Music.” Does that work? I like it myself, but “dungeonsynth” also works for me personally.
What is Sorcerer King all about?
"Sorcerer King" follows the rise and fall of an evil sorcerer who seizes a fantasy throne, continuing the narrative from "Arcane Ascendancy." Through instrumental tracks, the album depicts the sorcerer's ascent to power, his reign of tyranny, and eventual demise. The track titles outline the story arc:
1. The King is Dead: Opens with mournful melodies and somber tones, signaling the end of the previous ruler's reign. In my headcanon, this was a great and just king, and his death is somewhat suspicious. The song portrays the atmosphere of mourning and uncertainty as the kingdom faces a power vacuum after the king's demise.
2. Abyssal Scepter: Introduces ominous chants and deep, resonant tones, symbolizing our sorcerer's acquisition of a powerful artifact, perhaps a scepter which has a demonic provenance. The track aims to evoke a sense of creepy foreboding as the sorcerer begins to consolidate his newfound authority.
3. Price of Immortality: This song reflects the sorcerer's pursuit of immortality at any cost. It explores themes of sacrifice and the toll it takes on both the sorcerer and the kingdom as he seeks to prolong his rule indefinitely.
4. Prosperity Torn Asunder: Incorporates discordant chords and dissonant melodies to depict the collapse of the once-thriving kingdom under the sorcerer's oppressive rule. The track conveys the devastation wrought upon the land and its inhabitants as prosperity gives way to chaos and despair.
5. Venom of the Darkscale: Combines sinister rhythms and menacing undertones, representing the insidious spread of corruption and darkness throughout the realm. The track conveys the malevolent influence of the sorcerer as his nefarious schemes take root and poison the land. If you’re wondering what a “darkscale” is in this particular case, it’s a name that recurs in my published works, including ICRPG: Age of Snakes and Fluxfall Horizon. A darkscale is one societal rank of visayan, or space-faring serpent-folk. They are a sub-culture of assassins and provocateurs. In the context of this album, they are aiding the sorcerer from behind the scenes in order to manipulate events in their order’s favor. That much detail is probably not conveyed in the song, but if you’re in the know, then you can kind of imagine it and it’s fun!
6. Sorrowspire: Conjures imagery of desolate landscapes and crumbling citadels through melancholic melodies and mournful harmonies. The track evokes a sense of melancholy and despair as the kingdom's once-grand spires give way to a dark and singular spire erected by our sorcerer, a spire with another name but one called “Sorrowspire” by the oppressed peoples living in is shadow.
7. Serpent Cult: Strangely jaunty and celebratory, this track depicts a scene not unlike the James Earl Jones cult celebrations in Conan the Barbarian. There are dancers on opulent floors, armed guards standing along the edges of the room that is lined with marble columns, that sort of thing. The track explores themes of fanaticism and blind devotion as the sorcerer's followers become increasingly indoctrinated into his twisted ideology.
8. Valor's Requiem: Featuring a motif of heroism, this track portraying the courage and resilience of those who dare to oppose the sorcerer's tyranny. It celebrates the many unnamed acts of heroism and sacrifice as the kingdom's defenders rally to confront the ultimate force of darkness.
9. Misanthropic Demigod: Incorporates grandiose orchestrations and bombastic rhythms, highlighting the sorcerer's god-like arrogance and contempt for humanity. The track delves into the depths of the sorcerer's depravity as he revels in his own power and superiority.
10. The Sorcerer is Dead: Concludes with solemn tones and fading echoes, marking the final chapter in the sorcerer's saga. The track depicts the downfall and demise of the once-mighty tyrant, bringing an end to his reign of terror and ushering in a new era of hope and renewal for the beleaguered kingdom.
Have you evolved at all since your last album?
Well, one of the things that happens when you start something with zero knowledge as that you make some early gains pretty quickly! Over the course of making this second album, a number of hazy musical concepts really started to become… ever so slightly less hazy. Although I stayed away from any known song structure, there were certain considerations that resembled convention which I found myself gravitating towards. But in the end, I just wanted each song to keep the ear entertained and to not overstay their welcome.
Here is a snapshot of one complete song. I labeled each segment to illustrate the components of the song as I see it. This is a reflection of my current sensibilities when it comes to music and musicality in the context of dungeonsynth.

Anything else?
No, that’s about it for this release. It would mean a lot if you listened to all the tracks on the platform of your choice. If you’re on YouTube, leave a comment! And if you’re on Bandcamp, consider buying the album for unlimited streams (even though you get unlimited plays on YouTube. It’s just a gesture).
Or leave a comment here on this newsletter. I’d love to hear your thoughts about this album!
Great job! I really like this album. One day, I'd like to try to make some fantasy synth too, but I haven't explored how to do it yet. 😅